Events and Payloads

The Tailor Platform offers a wide range of events that allow you to trigger specific actions within your applications. These events play a crucial role in building dynamic workflows and enable you to automate processes based on real-time data changes. Refer to the Event based trigger section for details on using and configuring events.

Below is a list of supported events and their payloads.

Tailor DB

1. tailordb.type_record.created

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
typeNameString: Name of the type.
newRecordObject: The new record added to Tailor DB.

2. tailordb.type_record.updated

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
typeNameString: Name of the type.
oldRecordObject: The old record in Tailor DB.
newRecordObject: The updated record in Tailor DB.

3. tailordb.type_record.deleted

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
typeNameString: Name of the type.
oldRecordObject: The deleted record.


1. stateflow.state_flow.created

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
stateFlowIdString: StateFlow ID.
stateFlowNameString: Name of the StateFlow.

2. stateflow.state_flow.deleted

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
stateFlowIdString: StateFlow ID.
stateFlowNameString: Name of the StateFlow.

3. stateflow.state.created

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
stateIdString: State ID.
stateFlowIdString: StateFlow ID.
stateNameString: State Name.
resourceIdString: Resource ID, e.g., userId or roleId.

4. stateflow.state.transitioned

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
stateIdString: State ID.
stateFlowIdString: StateFlow ID.
resourceIdString: Resource ID, e.g., userId or roleId.
approverIdString: Approver ID, e.g., userId or roleId.
actionString: Name of the action.
fromStateNameString: Name of the prev State.
toStateNameString: Name of the transitioned State.


1. pipeline.resolver.executed

Field Name Description
workspaceIdString: The workspace ID where the event occurred.
namespaceNameString: Name of the application.
resolverNameString: Name of the pipeline resolver.
succeeded.resultObject: The result object contains pipelines and resolver data.
failed.errorString: The error message provides details about the cause of the error.